martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

Science Review answers

1. The biggest part nitrogen, the medium part oxygene and the smallest part other gases
2. Weather/protects/mesosphere
3.temperature: high, low
Wind: breeze, gale, hurricane
Humidity: clouds, fog
Precipitation: rain, snow, hail
4. Humidity/temperature/wind
5. b
6. In the north, it's snowing. In the south and wesr it's sunny. In the east, it's raining and windy.
7. b.factories c.forest fires d.spray cans f.pollen
8. b.Taking the bus means fewer cars on the road. 
C. Using creams an liquids creates less air pollution than using sprays
D. Planting trees helps turn carbon dioxide into oxygen
9. A. Walking and riding a bike
B. When riding a bike
C. Taking the bus
D. ...
10 b. We use an anemometer to measure wind speed.
C. We use a hygrometer to measure humidity.
D. We use a rain gauge to measure rainfall.

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